Rider - by Prof. Gerald Smith
2020 January - December
Created by Elise 3 years ago
And in that last moment
Child, daughter of all graces,
When dread gravity reached for you,
His dark swift grasp pulling
Dismounting you from saddle
Did you feel for one earthly instant
Before you fell
The pure lightness of being,
Grasp in that blinding second,
Your own angelic nature
Hear wings of angels around you,
Hear song and choir?
And did your mount
Shed with you all earthly weight
And rise up like you taking wing
Angelic, flying singing rising?
And in that moment of falling rising
Did you glimpse, did you see
All of us gathered for you
Bright-robed, singing
Lifting your wings with song
Bringing you home never to leave
Rider of God’s own sky?
- Prof. Gerald Smith